Twitter and Tear Gas the Power and Fragility of Networked Protest Review

Twitter and Tear Gas: The Power and Fragility of Networked Protest

Profile Image for Andy.

1,174 reviews 409 followers

Edited April 17, 2018

Most of this book is a mixture of shallow "I was at that place" commentary and wishy-washy academic gobbledygook, thousand. "Throughout this chapter I have noted how the trajectory and the impact of the move depend on the complex, mutual, and multilayered interactions and signals of capacity betwixt those in ability and those who seek to challenge them." How does this kind of determination help you lot alter the world?

Based on a published review, I expected a thoughtful discussion of lessons learned from various social modify movements going dorsum to the U.S. civil rights movement of the 1960s. Unfortunately, the little chip on MLK was and then superficial as to be misleading.

Even on the most recent stuff, the book is off the mark. For example, it'south mysterious to the author how the Tea Party people are ignorant nigh basic objective facts that should be common knowledge to all citizens, but somehow they are super-informed on arcane rules of political procedure. Really, at that place'southward a perfectly good explanation for that: Night Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Backside the Ascent of the Radical Right.

    Profile Image for Bryan Alexander.

    3 books 254 followers

    Edited December 25, 2018
      cyberculture geopolitics history
    Profile Image for rumbledethumps.

    247 reviews

    December twenty, 2017

    A very interesting subject treated in a very uninteresting mode. The author lurches between personal memoir, third-person history, and academic treatise in ways that are jarring and sometimes burdensome to follow.

    This might be ane of the offset book-length treatments of social media and revolution, merely it won't be the terminal. And information technology will probably exist heavily referenced past the book that somewhen tells the definitive history of the subject area.

      borrowed history kindle
    Profile Image for Mohammed Yusuf.

    336 reviews 162 followers

    February 3, 2019

    اصبحنا نعيش في فترة حتمية الفضاءات الاسفيرية، هذه العوالم البديلة لا تغير من طبيعة ونسق الفرد فحسب وإنما من نسق المجتمع بكامله ، من عصر السياسة للساسة إلى عصر السياسة للجميع

    تنجلي حقائق عبر هذا الإعلام البديل والتي يتم تزييفها عبر قنوات وشاشات الأنظمة ، لكنها نفسها لا تسلم من التوجيه الممنهج لصانعي المنصات التي قد تتحكم فيها مصالح معينة

    عبر هذه الشبكات أصبح حشد الاحتجاج يأتي اولا ثم يتم التنظيم بصورة سهلة على عكس ما كان يحدث سابقا وبصعوبات لوجستية و مخاطر اكبر، لكن كما تطورت الحشود تطورت طرق مناورتها و مجابهتها من قبل الحكومات

    كنت ابحث بين دفات الكتاب عن نجاح ثورتنا الحالية ، تلك التي يدفعها الامل بعالم جديد هذا الفعل الذي سمته توفيق " الجنة في الجحيم " حيث ارواح الشباب رخيصة أمام رصاص النظام لكنها في مخيلتها امل بعالم جديد وسط جحيم الثورة ، كنت ابحث عن خطوات سحرية يمكن عبرها إزالة الخناق عن الوطن الحبيب مثل وصفة طعام جاهزة لكن كما ذكرت توفيقي لا تشبه ثورة ثورة أخرى الحياة هكذا مبنية في الأسئلة التي تواجهنا يوما بيوم

    توفيقي ناشطة وأكاديمية، تكتب بحرية بدون صرامة شديدة في الأفكار والاصطلاحات ، تحكي من داخل تجاربها الشخصية ومن خلال قراءاتها الكثيرة

      Profile Image for Mehrsa.

      ii,219 reviews 3,690 followers

      April 13, 2018

      This volume is asking the most important social questions of the moment: How technology is and isn't changing the political process and resistance to it. The quote she keeps repeating is that technology is neither good or bad, only information technology is likewise not neutral. Like Neil Postman and Marshall McLellan have observed earlier, the medium is the message. Just as print changed everything and so Television receiver changed everything, we need to grapple with how social media has changed everything. There are a lot of books yet to be written in this genre, but this is a very good and thoughtful one.

        Profile Image for Hilary Martin.

        200 reviews 30 followers

        August 25, 2017

        This should be mandatory reading for anybody in order to improve understand how Social Media is affecting our lives for better and for worse.

          Profile Image for Ali.

          77 reviews 41 followers


          Apr 12, 2018

          A must-read article by Zeynep Tufekci almost Facebook.

            Profile Image for Ali.

            77 reviews 41 followers

            December 5, 2017

            This book is a must read for whomever even slightly interested in the idea of changing public sphere with commonage action.

            Writer starts with an in-depth assay of networked movements (social movements using cyberspace and social media as organizing tools and a medium to express dissent) and explores their differences with pre-net era movements. The evident reward of networked movements is fast and easy organization on a large scale. Merely with this power also comes the movements' weakness. Considering of bypassing pain staking process of organization, there are well-nigh no widely accustomed leadership and fifty-fifty no effective decision making organization which results in tactical freeze after the initial stage of protests and makes whatsoever fruitful negotiations very hard to reach. Author too mentions that this weakness is non just a by product of using net but has deep cultural roots in protesters' worldview and their lack of confidence in representative politics.

            Second part of the book is devoted to the analysis of unlike social media outlets. Tufekci explores how unlike features, algorithms, terms of use, popularity of outlets and even market forces works for or confronting the activists.

            At final author gives a more detailed analysis of the reaction of the powerful to the networked movements challenging their power. Her main thesis is that in attention is the primary resources for a move, non the data and governments gradually take learned to limit the attention and distract or misfile the public instead of naively blocking the information which is nearly impossible and could backfire since it attracts more than attention to the issue.

            What I mentioned is but a small function of Tufekci's deep insights in this book. I accept a feeling that I will come up dorsum to this book so many times.

              favorites politics sociology
            Profile Image for Colleen.

            Author 5 books 44 followers

            Edited November 30, 2019

            As a sociologist attempting to analyze social movements of the 21st century, I was looking for a book like this every bit it is absolutely necessary to sympathize the part social media is playing and has played for the past 20 years. The work of Frances-Pull a fast one on Piven, Doug McAdam, Jim Jasper, Charles Tilly, and others on social movement theory leaves out important technological developments and how these influence claims-making, organization, and then along.
            Twitter and Tear Gas will definitely be a much-referenced book by sociologists in this regard--it attempts to provide some theoretical scaffolding for the style in which social media impacts social movements, using primarily examples from the Arab Leap, Turkish insurrection of 2016, Occupy, and BLM movements.

            I thought the volume could have been more than analytical and theoretical--she tells us she leaves out a lot of the scholarly references and provides them equally an appendix on her website--, she too spends a bit likewise much fourth dimension on a memoir-like reminiscing on lunches she had with activists and what the scenery was similar, and injecting how popular she is on Twitter and a accident-by-blow account of her witnessing the 2016 coup in Turkey. She also doesn't question how the very definition of a social movement may take changed in a more digital era than the 60s, and spends a large amount of time with left-leaning not-hierarchical movements. . Still overall information technology's a very valuable book. I think the most important theoretical contributions are when she discusses the capabilities of social movements: narrative, disruptive, electoral and institutional capacities and how these are affected (or non) by the net. Another key concept she puts forward is 'network internalities'--the benefits and collective capabilities attained during the process of forming durable networks.

            Profile Image for Victoria Mottram .

            58 reviews 9 followers

            March fifteen, 2017

            Zeynep Tufekci is the ideal writer for this remarkable book. Her personal experience on the ground, online and talking to activists is the crowning jewel of this insightful volume.

            Tufekci is clearly a passionate activist and has been involved in the almost important social movements of the past 20 years. However I found the criticisms most endearing about this piece of work. Despite her obvious allegiances, Tufekci balances the strengths of digital technologies and inter connectivity with the oftentimes overlooked limitations.

            This volume is essential reading for anyone interested in activism, current affairs and politics more widely.

              Displaying 1 - ten of 185 reviews



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