It Wasnt Funny at the Time Blog Wheeler Ami


This new feature will be spotlighting graphics and designs made from the Happy Indulgence crew because we're awesome like that.

I'm so excited to kickstart Indulgence Designs with phone backgrounds for Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff! If you've never heard of it, I will assume you live under a rock. When Jeann was reading her copy, I was going over some of my favorite parts and my creative juices just got flowing. These were only some of the designs though – a couple of them looked really discordant in the background with all the apps so I just saved those away in a hidden file deep in my computer.


If you're wondering where the title is from, it's the lyrics to the theme song of a kids' show called Little Einsteins. The phrase is pretty popular over here in America (I'm not sure why??) so I thought it'd be cute to put in. Plus, the ships in Illuminae are hands-down amazeballs. So, let's take a trip with these graphics, shall we?

You can check out Jeann's review of the book on Happy Indulgence right here.

All rights go to the authors Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman, as well as the publisher. Some elements of the designs came from Free Pik; I do not own these elements. The only thing I own is my creativity!

illuminae bookmark1

iPhone | Android

This is a pretty iconic quote from the book. It's said by the Artificial Intelligence, AIDAN, who is a very, very interesting character to read about. I liked this quote so much I made two graphics of it.


iPhone | Android

Just kidding, I actually did the same quote twice because I forgot I did it already (oops). Either way, I'm quite happy with how both turned out. Yes, that is a binary heartbeat.

illuminae bookmark 3

iPhone | Android

Yay, now every time a guy hands me a red rose I'll be like, "So are you planning to kill me or something in an intergalactic battle?" and if he doesn't get it, it means he hasn't read Illuminae, which means he isn't worthy of my time.

illuminae 4

iPhone | Android

Kind of a lengthy quote but I thought it was interesting. Seriously guys, AIDAN's voice is so three-dimensional. The authors did a great job in making me feel so many emotions for an artificial intelligence.

illuminae bookmark 2

iPhone | Android

For me, this was one of the most chilling lines of the book. And the context it was in – gruesome, deadly, and simply macabre. But despite it, I couldn't help but get a thrill out of what was happening.

illuminae bookmark 5

iPhone | Android

Aw man, this quote really brings out the feels. Like guys, think about it – when will the last star in the galaxy die? Technically, if we're talking about the Milky Way, then one would assume it's when scientists say we'll collide with neighboring galaxy Andromeda. (Which is hypothesized to be in 4 billion years.) BUT the stars don't die; it'll just become a huge new galaxy formed by both the Milky Way and Andromeda. Considering the dwarf planets that currently exist in our galaxy, that's trillions of years away until the last star dies.
Space metaphors really bring out the nerd in me. :')

If you haven't read this book or aren't planning to, I'M ASKING YOU WHY?? You kind of need it in your life. Like, now.

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Aila is a young adult reader who loves to transport herself to new dimensions through reading. She's currently an undergraduate student at university in the US. Let's talk about our obsessions on Twitter @aila_1woaa!


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