Can Police Pull You Over for Suspicious Activity

When The Law Can Pull You Over: Understanding Reasonable Suspicion


Somedays it feels like constabulary officers have all of the ability. It can seem like they have the ability to stop and question you whenever they like. However, this is not true. Yous have essential Constitutional rights that officers cannot violate without serious consequences. Because of your Constitutional rights to privacy and to be free from unreasonable detainment, law officers must have reasonable suspicion that you are involved in a crime earlier they tin pull you over while driving. If an officer did not have a lawful reason for stopping you, and so whatsoever following arrest and charges may non be valid.

What is Reasonable Suspicion?

It is not enough to say that the police need to take reasonable suspicion to pull y'all over. Yous need to understand what reasonable suspicion is – and what it is not. Reasonable suspicion comes from the officer observing factual circumstances that point toward your being involved in a crime. It relies heavily on facts and non feelings, hunches, or gut instincts. Police officers who pull you over must be able to describe the observations and circumstances that led them to believe you were involved in some sort of criminal activity.

For example, the police may stop you nether suspicion of a DUI if yous were weaving in and out of your lane, since this is a valid sign of intoxication and the inability to safely operate a vehicle. If information technology is also two a.m. and there are confined forth the road, these are additional facts that enable the officer to have reasonable suspicion of a DUI.

Reasonable Suspicion is Non Enough for an Abort

Reasonable suspicion is a lower legal standard than likely cause, which is required for the police to arrest you lot or obtain an arrest or search warrant against you. All the police demand is reasonable suspicion to pull you over, yet they must gather more information to abort you lot for a DUI. If, once the police force cease you, they detect other signs of inebriation, this usually gives them likely cause. For instance, if there are open containers of alcohol in the vehicle or you fail a jiff test, this is enough to establish that it is probable that you are guilty of driving while intoxicated. All the same, reasonable suspicion does not always turn into probable cause. If the police pulled you over but then y'all were clearly responsive and polite and showed no signs of inebriation, they must let you become.

Challenging Reasonable Suspicion

One of the start defenses to getting arrested for a DUI or some other vehicle-related crime is to challenge the initial cease. Yous and your criminal defense attorney tin can question the police officer regarding why they pulled you over. This will include request the officer for specific, observable facts and circumstances that them to believe you may have been intoxicated. Your attorney can signal out to the judge or jury when the officer did not have enough facts arising to the level of reasonable suspicion.

The Exception to Reasonable Suspicion

There is one major exception to the police stopping you without reasonable suspicion and that is a lawful roadblock. Information technology is lawful in Florida for the police force to set up up DUI checkpoints where all or certain vehicles must stop. Yous may have to stop and talk with law at one of these points, merely you are only required to identify yourself and provide your ID and insurance data. You never have to say any more.

If you were pulled over and it led to an abort or charges and you believe the stop was illegal, telephone call u.s.a. today at Salazar & Kelly Police Group, P.A. 407-483-0500. Our Kissimmee attorneys are eager to help you lot immediately.


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